Watermark Summer Reading

The Insanity of God captured our hearts and imaginations with story after story of how followers of Jesus around the world have encountered God in the darkest and most dangerous of places. You won't want to put this book down after you've started.

But you'll also want to talk about what you're reading. Actually, we don't think you'll be able to stop talking about what you're reading.

So how do we do this thing?


There's a bunch of options for this, the most obvious being order it online.

Or grab it from your local library before everyone else does.

Don't like to read?

No worries, you can easily listen to it.

You can pay for the Audible version and own it.

OR you can listen to it free if you have a library card. Simply download the Hoopla app on your smart phone, connect your library account to it, and borrow the audio version for a month at a time.

Easy-peasy and FREE!


Invite a few friends over for a weekly discussion of what you've been reading in the book!

If you're open to having more people join, let us know when and where you're meeting and we'll list it on our groups site.

Don't have any friends who want to read and discuss with you? Join our Facebook Book Club and check out our weekly Facebook livestream discussion. Join us live and interact via chat.


You can take this book at whatever pace you or your group is comfortable reading.

The audio version takes 9 hours and 47 minutes.

It's a 322 page book with 34 chapters + a prologue.

You could potentially start on the week of July 7 and take 6 weeks to read it, covering roughly 6 chapters per week. That's what we'll be doing with our Facebook group. But break it up however works best for you!

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